The TX NMS Coalition members seek:
To pass legislation that supports patients by further preventing health insurance plans from making benefit, coverage, utilization management or access switches that result in negative impact on a patient’s health.
To preserve the relationship between providers and patients to make treatment decisions and to ensure that changes to treatment plans are made for health reasons and not for non-medical reasons or without medical rationale.
Members Include:
Aimed Alliance: The mission of Aimed Alliance is to protect and enhance the rights of health care consumers and providers.
Alliance for Patient Access: A national network of physicians dedicated to ensuring patient access to approved therapies and appropriate clinical care.
Association for Clinical Oncology: Founded in 1964, the American Society of Clinical Oncology is the world's leading professional organization for physicians and oncology professionals caring for people with cancer.
CDF Texas: Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Texas is committed to raising awareness about the challenges facing Texas children, connecting children and families to resources that help to meet their needs, and working with partners statewide to coordinate broad support for legislative action on behalf of Texas children and families.
Coalition of State Rheumatology Organization: The mission of the Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations (CSRO) is to advocate for excellence in the field of rheumatology, ensuring access to the highest quality care for the management of rheumatologic and musculoskeletal disease.
Coalition of Texans with Disabilities: CTD advocates, raises awareness and provides professional disability consulting to bring forth their vision of a future where all Texans with all disabilities may work, live, learn, play, and participate fully in the community of their choice.
Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas: The Mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.
Global Healthy Living Foundation: GHLF is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with chronic illness by advocating for improved access to care at the community level, amplifying education and awareness, and educating about the importance of diagnosis, early and innovative medical intervention, and long-term lifestyle improvement with the goal of improving outcomes.
Infusion Access Foundation: Infusion Access Foundation (IAF) is a community of patients united to protect access to treatments that you get at a clinic, such as infusions and injections. We support each other across all diseases and advocate with one voice that reaches policy makers.
International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis): AiArthritis helps those who are affected by autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases and uses their voice to solve problems that impact education, advocacy and research.
Keep My Rx: The #KeepMyRx campaign promotes policies that protect patient access to the medicines their physicians prescribe.
Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation: The Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation is dedicated to the treatment and the cure of hemophilia related bleeding disorders, complications of those disorders and their treatments, as well as to improving the quality of life for all those affected through the promotion and support of research, advocacy, education, and other services.
Lupus and Allied Diseases Association: The Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc., is an all-volunteer national non-profit dedicated to enhancing quality of life for those impacted by lupus and allied diseases and other conditions of unmet by fostering collaboration among stakeholders and promoting innovative advocacy, awareness and biomedical research initiatives.
NAMI Texas: The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas has nearly 2,000 members made up of individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends, and professionals. Its purpose is to help improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through education, support, and advocacy.
NASW Texas: The Texas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), with nearly 6,000 members, is the major professional social work organization in the state.
National Infusion Center Association: NICA provides a national advocacy voice for patients’ access to in-office infusion across non-Oncology disease specialties in the interest of improving access to safe, high-quality intravenous and injectable medications in economical, office-based care settings.
Prescription Process: Prescription Process gives you the information you need to find out if you’re getting what the doctor ordered.
The Texas Bleeding Disorders Coalition: Creates a unified voice for the Lone Star Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation and Texas Central Hemophilia Association. We provide support and advocacy to those with bleeding disorders in Texas. We ensure that all Texans have access to the care they need to live healthy, productive lives.
Texas Central Bleeding Disorders: Promotes opportunities for improving the quality of life for all affected by hemophilia and related bleeding and clotting disorders so that each can fulfill his or her individual potential.
Texas Dermatological Society: The Texas Dermatological Society was formed more than ninety years ago to promote and advance the science and art of medicine pertaining to diseases of the skin.
Texas Hospital Association: THA is the leadership organization and advocate for the state hospitals and health care systems. THA advocates to improve accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of health care for all Texans.
TPS Texas: The Texas Pediatric Society (TPS), the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, believes that the most important resource of the State of Texas is its children, and pledges its efforts to promote their health and welfare. The goal of the Society is that all children in the State attain their full potential for physical, emotional, and social health.
Texas Rare Alliance: Texas Rare Alliance is dedicated to improving access and health outcomes for the Texas rare disease community through education and advocacy. We collaborate with organizations, patient advocates, and other stakeholders in the Texas rare disease community to make Texas a State of Access.
US Pain Foundation: The mission of U.S. Pain Foundation is to educate, connect, inform and empower those living with pain while also advocating on behalf of the entire pain community, serving those who live with pain conditions and their care providers, and helping individuals find resources and inspiration.